A compendium of Aphelenchoides (Fischer, 1894) (Nematoda: Tylenchina: Aphelenchoidea) nematodes with the description of a new species from Manipur, India

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Loukrakpam Bina Chanu
Naorem Mohilal


The present compendium is based on the findings of a research work on the survey of nematodes belonging to the family Aphelenchoidea in the northeastern states of India and the literature available on this particular species, mainly from Manipur. During the study, a total of 12 Aphelenchoides spp. were found, among which six species were reported for the first time from Manipur. A new species, Aphelenchoides oryzae is also described in the present article. The present study will help in making us understand the biodiversity status of Aphelenchoides nematodes in the region. Diagnosis of the species and illustrations along with dichotomous keys are provided in the manuscript.


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