Morphological assessment and partial genome sequencing inferred from matK and rbcL genes of the plant Tacca chantrieri

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P.C. Lalbiaknii
F. Lalnunmawia
Vanlalhruaii Ralte
P.C. Vanlalnunpuia
Elizabeth Vanlalruati Ngamlai
Joney Lalnunpuii Pachuau


Tacca chantrieri is a monotypic perennial plant belonging to the family Taccaceae. It is listed as an endangered species by different authors. The plant was found in Thorangtlang Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected area in Lunglei District, Mizoram. Although there is a record of its existence from the forests of Mizoram, there are no detailed studies based on morphology, partial or whole genome sequencing. Plant samples collected from Thorangtlang Wildlife Sanctuary were used for morphological assessment and partial genome sequencing of matK and rbcL genes. This study provides information useful in making conservation decisions. 

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