Using camera traps to study the elusive European Wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora: Felidae) in central Germany: what makes a good camera trapping site?

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Harald Wening
Lynne Werner
Matthias Waltert
Markus Port


Camera traping is a widely used method to study the abundance and population density of elusive terrestrial animals.  To make full use of this method, it is necessary to obtain high photographic capture rates of the target species.  We examine what characteristics of camera trapping sites are associated with high photographic capture rates of European Wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris.  We measured Wildcat capture rates across 25 camera trapping sites located in a 20km² study area within an unprotected low mountain range forest in central Germany.  We measured the distance of each trapping site to the forest boundary, to the next watercourse, and to the next human settlement, and broadly defined the type of forest structure the site was located in.  None of these site characteristics, however, predicted wildcat photographic capture success.  We also examined the degree of human disturbance at the site, measured as the photographic capture rate of humans (including vehicles).  Wildcats were detected at similar rates on dirt or gravel roads (heavily used by humans) as on soft-surfaced paths or logging trails (less frequently used by humans), and the degree of human disturbance across sites did not affect wildcat capture success.  We, therefore, suggest that trail features such as course, curvature and width, or vegetation density along the trail are more important determinants of Wildcat capture success than habitat characteristics.  We conclude that for European Wildcats, as for many larger felids, forest roads provide suitable camera trapping sites and that Wildcats are fairly tolerant towards human traffic on these roads.

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