Community structure and composition of litter spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) and influence of macro-climatic factors on Parque Ecológico Jatobá Centenário, Morrinhos, Goiás, Brazil

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Renan Castro Santana


Spiders are a diverse group and are considered to be good bioindicators due to their sensitivity to variation in biotic and abiotic factors.  Despite this the taxonomy of the Araneae is poorly known, particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions.  The use of spider guilds can improve our understanding of the dynamics of spider communities, and in this paper we analyse the influence of climatic factors on guilds and species dominance of spiders within the leaf litter layer of a semi-deciduous forest in the tropical savanna Cerrado, Brazil. The study site was Parque Ecológico Jatobá Centenário, a fragment of 90ha, in Morrinhos, Goiás, Brazil.  Spiders were sampled from November 2006 to August 2007 using pitfall traps that remained open for seven days on each of four occasions.  Overall 4139 spiders from 35 families and 118 species were collected. The main families were Salticidae (28%), Linyphiidae (27%), Lycosidae (12%) and Theridiidae (11%).  In terms of richness the main families were: Theridiidae, Salticidae, Corinnidae and Araneidae, with 18, 16, 15 and 13 species respectively. The overall Shannon-Wiener (H’) diversity was 3.6. The rainy season showed higher values than the dry season for abundance (2,868 and 1,271 respectively), richness (100 and 71) and diversity (3,296 and 3,237).  The families Theridiidae, Corinnidae and Salticidae presented more species in both dry and wet seasons.  Observed climatic variation (rainfall, humidity and temperature) between seasons influenced the community structure of ground-dwelling spiders.


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Author Biography

Renan Castro Santana, Queensland Museum, Grey St, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, 4101, Q. Australia University of Queensland, Venom Evolution Lab, Gehrmann Building, Level 8, room 809, St Lucia, 4072, Q. Australia

Studied ecology of spider during graduation and masters degree in Brazil.  Moving to Australia, start work on taxonomy of tarantulas at Queensland Museum. Nowadays, as a PhD student researching tarantulas venom and systematics at Venom Evolution Lab at University of Queensland.



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