Distribution of Smooth-coated Otters Lutrogale perspicillata (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae): in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India

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Swanand Patil
Kranti Yardi


This report describes the distribution of Smooth-coated Otters in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, and investigates the utility of scat counts for quantifying otter occurrence. The study duration was from February to June 2020. Surveys were conducted along the Jog River in Anjarle and Aade River in Aadekond using camera traps. The results subjected to principal component analysis indicated that the occurrence of Smooth-coated Otters at Anjarle is 76% and at Aadekond 48%. We also mapped the distribution and threats associated with Smooth-coated Otters. This study serves as a baseline for efforts  to support long-term otter research and conservation.

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Short Communications


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