Effects of wind farm on land bird composition at Kachchh District, Gujarat, India

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Selvaraj Ramesh Kumar
P.R. Arun
A. Mohamed Samsoor Ali


Bird assemblages in wind farm areas tend to change during the construction and operational phases, causing significant impacts in addition to collision mortality. Most existing studies on this issue are reported from North America and Europe, and it is largely under reported in Asian countries. We assessed patterns of bird assemblage in a wind farm and control areas in Kachchh, India, from October 2012 to May 2014, using point count method (79 sampling points with a 50 m radius). We recorded 54 species of land birds, mainly passerines. Species richness and diversity were higher in the control site, and the abundance of most passerine species was lower in the wind farm area, although the abundance of larks and wheatears was higher in the wind farm areas. Species composition was significantly different in both the sites. This difference is attributed to the presence of wind turbines and a difference in land use pattern. 

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